Manifesto 32

A manifesto towards anti-racism

  1. As individuals and communities we are living within a system of structural racism. We want to stay with uncomfortable conversations around difference. We want to be open to the possibility for an exploration. We choose not to dismiss others.
  2. We acknowledge what young people are bringing into awareness during this time of revelation.
  3. As people racialised as white we need to question our deep inherited assumptions and our shallow understanding of difference.
  4. We support the constructive conversations that revalue and reshape the existing structurally racist education system and school curricula. We welcome the ongoing deepening of awareness of what is this country’s history.
  5. We will strengthen our own resilience to enter the space of difficult conversations about social conceptions of race that may lessen our personal standing and privilege as white people.
  6. We have learned that the concept of blackness and whiteness is historically constructed to divide.
  7. We resist divide and rule. Groups of people should not be played off against each other to create divisions which serve an economic elite.
  8. We will play our part in rebuilding solidarity.