Manifesto 20

  1. We think that mental ill health should be approached and treated the same way as physical ill health. Depression can be as serious as cancer.
  2. There should be greater understanding of mental illness across the board – including in work places, shops, public services and other environments.
  3. There should be investment in mental health training in the workplace – for mental health first aiders and advocates who can work with their colleagues and their service users. 
  4. We feel that people should be kinder to each other. Everyone should show care and compassion to others in the community.
  5. We believe there should be equality in all things regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or socio-economic circumstances. There should be opportunities for everyone to flourish.
  6. Arts and culture should be valued in our society and made accessible to all.
  7. There should be consistent and ongoing funding opportunities for the arts.
  8. We acknowledge the fact that technology exists to allow us to connect virtually with our teams, friends and family. We believe that everyone should have access to technology to allow equality of information and opportunity.
  9. We think that everyone should have access to safe spaces and environments, in the work place, online and in their personal lives.
19 Mar 2021
Platform Singers