Manifesto 11
- We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every human being – and we respect individual autonomy in all aspects of life including but not limited to physical, emotional, spiritual, mental.
- We affirm and believe that every living being has a right to flourish and be treated with respect, the right to having basic needs met including a connection to the natural world.
- We affirm and believe that every living being has a right to an opportunity to express their story – and most importantly to repair, acknowledging the damage that colonialism has done and learning how to shift away from thinking that there is a ‘manifest destiny’.
- We recognise and respect the individual needs of each person and their place within the larger community. We commit to supporting each other as part of that community recognising our diversity as a strength.
- We recognise the greater damage to the ecological system caused by economic and political exploitation, and commit to engaging with practices that provide a sustainable and equitable future for all.
7 Dec 2020
Woodlands Community Glasgow
Woodlands Community Glasgow